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Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#115 closed defect (worksforme)

SMTP behaviour problem.

Reported by: virtual-id _AT_ stephen-milner dot me dot uk Owned by:
Version: Keywords:


I use multiple accounts each with a differing SMTP server. EG:

Account A SMTP Server A Account B SMTP Server B

If I read a mail sent to for example id1@A and I use smart reply the from address is correctly set by smart reply, but the outgoing SMTP server is set to the "Default" SMTP server. If the default server is B then this is incorrect.

If I set the default SMTP server to A, then replying to a mail sent to id2@B will send using the "Default" server (A) which is incorrect.

Strangely enough the sent mail is always filed in the correct "sent Items" folder.

The SMTP server should be set according to the account where the mail to be replied to is. Reply to id1@A - set SMTP to server A, id2@B - set SMTP server to B



Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by rene

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Hi Steve,

hard to completely understand the behavior, but I will try :-)

There are multiple ways to get what you like, every might have its drawback. First, you might disable the storage. Smart Reply itself never changes the used SMTP, except it finds a permanently stored Identity which matches the retrieved one. Else it just modifies the Sender of the current Identity, not the related SMTP. So if Thunderbird is able to choose the matching SMTP without the help of the Virtual Identity Extension (just try with disabled Virtual Identity Extension), you can just disable the storage feature and you are done.

If Thunderbird doesn't finds the right SMTP for you, you can select it on your own. Enable the option to show the SMTP Menu in Virtual Identities Options Dialog and choose the SMTP you like. This one gets stored with the Identity you had chosen for this recipient and will be reused every time you write an email to the same recipient again.

Upcoming 0.6 will contain an option to define filters with related storage values, which might give you another option to preselect the right SMTP, but thats not available yet.

Ok, think the best option is to enable the SMTP-Selector and choose and store the right SMTP. What do you think?

Nice regards, Rene

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