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Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#118 closed defect (worksforme)

recipient name used for comparison

Reported by: vi@… Owned by:
Version: 0.6.0pre Keywords:


When I write a mail "Max <mm@…>" but the data storage contains "Max Mueller <mm@…>", virtual id does not find a match. It seems that not only the email address is compared but the whole string.

On the other hand, if I write a mail then to "Max Mueller <mm@…>" and activate "save", the entry is not saved into the data storage because there already is a "mm@…".

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by rene

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed


this is definitily not the case :-) , the same function (readVIdentityFromRDF) is used in both cases. You should be able to see some related output if you activate the debug-output (see extension preferences), which might help us bth to understand whats going on in the described case. In the storage "Max <mm@…>" should be handled differently than "Max Mueller <mm@…>" or "mm@…", thats intentionally (in upcoming 0.6 you will be able to define a filter which matches all of the above).

Saving of the current entry might be prevented because of multiple recipients. You can configure the extension in a way to prevent any changing of stored indentities if a mail goes to multiple recipients "never overwrite (and ask) if email has multiple recipients". Hard to say if this was the effect in your case, better to have a look at the debug output.

Nice regards, feel free to reopen, Rene

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by absorbit@…

When writing mails, the window closes quickly and the debug output is lost.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by vi@…


vi uses the whole string when searching the entry in the RDF: ## vI_storage: inputElement.value='Max Mueller <MaxMueller?>'

So when recipient is written as "Max Mueller <MaxMueller?>", it is found in RDF, if it is written as "Max <MaxMueller?>", it is not found.

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