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Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#185 new enhancement

Would like to select identity easier

Reported by: Mark.Aitchison@… Owned by:
Version: 0.5.12 Keywords:


Could you change your interface to allow a simple two-step setup for selecting identities:

  1. Guess identity by: a) folder name b) who mail is received FROM c) which of the known identities it is TO d) static default (which could be empty)
  1. Then allow: a) no change unless step 1 doesn't return a single, known identity b) allow selection of any address previously used for this sender or folder c) allow any identity stored in list of used identities d) allow any address to be typed in, but tab-complete on stored identities/addressbook identities/Addressees used in this email

What I particularly want is the ability to define a list of usable addresses and be allowed to use any of them (this doesn't seem possible at the moment), and especially: to default to one based on the folder currently selected.

That could be useful to others too,

Thanks, Mark

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by andr55@…

This sort of flexibility would be ideal for me as well, although I would chose the order :

default folder - if defined (Ideally this includes subfolders, so a group of folders with the same virtual identity would only need one entry. As well, using the main folder for the account would give a default for the account -- I use a number of different accounts, most of which use only one identity.) If this is found, select as identity. (But still allow changing before sending.)

If not found, check other fields such as sender, to, list-id -- if found stored. If only one found, select as identity. If more than one found, present list before sending.

If none found, use email agent identity (for account).

On sending, present all choices found above (if any), with confirmation, to allow to verify and easily change the virtual identity, without having to review it twice. The list of alternate virtual identitys should be still available as now.


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