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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#21 closed defect (invalid)

selecting a sender from To: list

Reported by: towo Owned by:
Version: Keywords:


If the "To:" header contains a list of recipients, Reply takes the first of it as sender which is obviously wrong in most cases. It should check if one of my addresses is contained in the list and use that. If it's none, the default mailbox address should be used as a fallback.

In any case, there should at least be an option to use only known addresses as sender address, not any address found in the headers.

  • Now browsing through the extensive options, I found "ignore full name

while comparing email addresses with existing identities". I am quite sure this should be the default and probably not uncheckable at all. Now I even see "use first found identity without interaction" which is checked by default. This complies to the behaviour that I complained above - it really has no use case at all. Please remove this option. I also see "open a dialog to choose Identity". I think it should be an optional menu, attached to the message window in a similar way as the optional SMTP menu, not always bothering with an additional modal step.

  • Basically, I think all three options in the Smart Reply settings

have the wrong default value and all should actually be removed (after changing the default); the Identity menu and the SMTP menu should both be included by default but not causing an extra window to bother the user.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by rene

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Hi towo,

a lot of points, I think most of it resulting in the lack of documentation, but maybe you have a look at and see if this is helpful for you.

To cover your fist problem with the TO: address, how should the extension by default know which are 'your' addresses? :) You have to configure it the right way, just add in the filters TAB a filter which matches your domain, email adresses etc. Only those are used as senders from than on.

The Option to ignore the full name while comparing is optional. Think of a message sended to "Bob <bob_smith@…>" and a stored Identity "Dr. Smith <bob_smith@…>". Some people like to be sure to reply with the used Fullname, 'Bob' in this case (and create a virtual Identity for that), others prefer to use the stored Identity in this case and replace 'Bob' with 'Dr. Smith'. Thats what the option is made for.

The first found identity is not always the first on in all To: headers. Adding multiple filters you are able to sort the resulting addresses. For instance add two filters, first '/$/' and second '/$/'. Independent on the order the addresses appear in the To: or whatever headers, first all possible addresses from the domain will be added and then all from the domain No other addresses are used. So, the first found identity in this context can be choosen by adding filters in the right order.

If you don't like the popup-menu, disable it. All found identities are added to the dropdown menu, you can select them later if you like.

Hope to cleared some behavior of the extension, I'll close this ticket, but feel free to open it again if you still think there is something broken. And if you have some better descriptions, please clarify in the documentation, others might benefit from it.

Regards, Rene

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