This is just some static backup of the original site, don't expect every link to work!

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#258 closed defect (invalid)

Impossible to modify an identity before sending.

Reported by: virtual-id@… Owned by: rene
Version: 0.6.5 Keywords: Error impossible modify identity before sending



I received an email on mail3. I wanted to forward it to a friend (using stored email address mail2), but a pop up window appeared saying "Impossible to modify an identity before sending".

In the following log, please consider this :

Me -> default virtual email @
Me2 -> used to forward this email -> used to receive this email
A Friend -> the email recipient to forward this email to
LOG ------------------------------------------------------------

Thunderbird (2008120920; Windows NT 5.1)
 - Dictionnaire MySpell en Français 1.6.1
 - Display Quota {c1ac4523-76c2-9995-adbd-d93bf5141bea} 0.3.1
 - Folderpane Tools {b243fe83-b8a7-47de-855d-21d865243d5d}
 - NestedQuote Remover {12a1584b-2123-473d-8752-e82e74e3cb1b} 0.8.4 [DISABLED]
 - Quote Colors {B274D460-4DF9-454c-AC69-CA71398D7498} 0.3 [DISABLED]
 - Return Receipt Toolbar Button 0.13
 - Signature Switch {2ab1b709-ba03-4361-abf9-c50b964ff75d} 1.6.5
 - Talkback
 - TB Reset Quote Header Extension {2893F2E1-EFFC-463f-8E8B-FD4702C0FA77} 0.4.3
 - ThunderBrowse [DISABLED]
 - Virtual Identity {dddd428e-5ac8-4a81-9f78-276c734f75b8} 0.6.5
## v_identity: mod. FillIdentityListPopup

## v_identity: init.
## v_identity: adapt GenericSendMessage
## v_identity: initSystemStage1.
** v_identity.xml identityData setter
** v_identity.xml smtp set to ''
** v_identity.xml resultingID: fullName='Régis' email='' smtp='vI_useDefaultSMTP' id='id24' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml identityData setter done.'
## v_identity: init done.

## vI_rdfDatasource read rdf from 'file:///D:/PortableApps/Apps/PortableThunderbird/Data/profile/virtualIdentity.rdf'
## v_identity: NotifyComposeFieldsReady
## v_identity: NotifyComposeBodyReady
## v_identity: initSystemStage2.
## vI_smartIdentity: msgComposeType = 4
## vI_smartIdentity: Reply()
## vI_storage: getVIdentityFromAllRecipients()
## vI_rdfDatasource: __getRDFResourceForVIdentity: no Recipient given.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for .
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: found 0 address(es)
## vI_smartIdentity: __SmartReply()
## vI_smartIdentity: ----------------------------------------------------------
## vI_smartIdentity: reading header 'envelope-to': ''
## vI_smartIdentity: reading header 'x-original-to': ''
## vI_smartIdentity: reading header 'to': '<>'
## identityCollection:   add new address to result:
## identityCollection:   add new address to result:
## vI_smartIdentity:   found ''
## vI_smartIdentity: reading header 'cc': ''
## vI_smartIdentity: 1 address(es) after parsing, before filtering
## vI_smartIdentity: filter emails with RegExp '/$/'
## vI_smartIdentity: filter emails with RegExp '/$/'
## identityCollection:   add new address to result:
## vI_smartIdentity: filtering done, 1 address(es) left
## vI_smartIdentity: ----------------------------------------------------------
## identityCollection:   add new address to result:
## vI_smartIdentity: merged SmartReply & Storage, 1 address(es) left
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='true'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: not found
## changeIdentityToSmartIdentity selectedValue=0: '' (,)

** v_identity.xml msgIdentityCloneElem.doCommand() 
** v_identity.xmlcopy selected Menu-Value from clone to orig. Searching for id=null 
** v_identity.xml identityData setter
** v_identity.xml previousID: fullName='Me2' email='' smtp='vI_useDefaultSMTP' id='id24' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml newID: fullName='' email='' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP' id='null' existingID='null'
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id24 'Me2 <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: not found
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch hide/remove signatures
** v_identity.xml resultingID: fullName='' email='' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP' id='id24' existingID='null'
** v_identity.xml identityData setter done.'
** v_identity.xml smtp set to ''
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id24 'Me2 <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: not found
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch hide/remove signatures

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#1'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_storage: no recipient found, not checked.

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#1'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_rdfDatasource: readVIdentityFromRDF found stored data.
## vI_rdfDatasource: email='' fullName='Me' id='null' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP'
## vI_rdfDatasource: extras: reciept='true'
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for A Friend <>.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage add found Identities to CloneMenu.
## vI_storage: using data from direct match
## vI_storage: compare with current Identity
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage check if storage-data matches current Identity.

** V_identity.xml msgIdentityCloneElem.doCommand() 
** v_identity.xmlcopy selected Menu-Value from clone to orig. Searching for id=null 
** v_identity.xml identityData setter
** v_identity.xml previousID: fullName='' email='' smtp='vI_useDefaultSMTP' id='id24' existingID='null'
** v_identity.xml newID: fullName='Me' email='' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP' id='null' existingID='null'
## vI_storageExtras change reciept to true with doCommand
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id24 'Me2 <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: Me <> found, id='id25'
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch restore signature
** v_identity.xml resultingID: fullName='Me' email='' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP' id='id24' existingID='null'
** v_identity.xml identityData setter done.'
** v_identity.xml smtp set to ''
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id24 'Me2 <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: Me <> found, id='id25'
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch restore signature

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#2'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_storage: no recipient found, not checked.

## v_identity: VIdentity_GenericSendMessage
## vI_storage: ----------------------------------------------------------
## vI_storage: storeVIdentityToAllRecipients()
## vI_storage: __updateStorageFromVIdentity.
## vI_storage: __updateStorageFromVIdentity dontUpdateMultipleNoEqual='false'
## vI_rdfDatasource: readVIdentityFromRDF found stored data.
## vI_rdfDatasource: email='' fullName='Me' id='null' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP'
## vI_rdfDatasource: extras: reciept='true'
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for A Friend <>.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: ----------------------------------------------------------

## vI_identityData GenericSendMessage Final Check
## vI_identityData currentIdentity: fullName='Me2' email='' smtp='vI_useDefaultSMTP'
## vI_identityData virtualIdentityData: fullName='Me' email='' smtp='vI_useDefaultSMTP'

## vI_identityData failed check for fullName.

## vI_identityData failed check for email.

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#2'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_storage: no recipient found, not checked.

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#2'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_storage: no recipient found, not checked.

END OF LOG -----------------------------------------------------

After this, I only changed my name (not my virtual email) from "Me" to "Me3". The email was sent (no log to provide as the window is automatically closed after sending)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by rene

Owner: set to rene
Status: newassigned


thanks for the informative report.

Interestingly your id "Me2" is checked against your permanent Identities and is recognized as the same than your default identity "Me"

** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id24 'Me2 <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: Me <> found, id='id25'
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch restore signature

How big is the difference between those identities, are there only upper-lower-case differences or something like that? (but this was fixed in 0.6.5 anyway...strange...)

Can you additionally check for Messages in the Error Console (Tools Menu), maybe there is something related to the problem.

Hope to catch the bug soon, nice regards,


comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by rene

Resolution: invalid
Status: assignedclosed

closing by now, please reopen if still relevant

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