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Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#270 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Return Receipt with right account

Reported by: Love Owned by:
Version: 0.6.7 Keywords: return receipt right account



One day, I notice that all return receipts are sent with default account, not with virtual identity...

Is it possible to fix that ? Or too complex too change that mecanism ?

Thank you very much for your work ;)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by anonymous

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed


interesting point, never used receipts at all, usually only rejected them... But there is no nice way to change this, because its implemented completely in the MDN-Generator - so no chance to do this on my side.

RFC 3798 ( ) states: "The From field of the message header of the MDN MUST contain the address of the person for whom the message disposition notification is being issued."

I personally would interpret this in a way that if you send a message to "User <user@…>" the receipt should come from the same address.

If your mozilla mail-client has only "Peter <user@…>" as an identity registered, the current implementation will use this address as the receipt From address, which is probably wrong. If your mail-server just forwarded this mail to a different address, it gets even worse, mozilla will answer with the completely wrong address. (see coding in )

I presume that this is an implementation error on mozilla-side, but not sure if I understand the RFC right. Probably you can file a ticket at bugzilla (if there is non yet there), because at all this problem is not restricted to virtual identity.

Nice regards, will be great if you keep me up to date about this issue,


comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by Love

Thank you for your help ;)

So, I will not use return receipts, but I will check that feature later... or ask to Mozilla ;)

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