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Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#289 closed defect (fixed)

Want From address to be same is TO: in mail being replied to

Reported by: 1012@… Owned by:
Version: 0.6.8 Keywords:
Cc: 1012@…


When I reply to an email that contains the following headers, I would always like the reply to be addressed to addr3@… by default.

Return-path: <…> Envelope-to: addr1@… X-Forwarded-To: addr1@… X-Forwarded-For: addr2@… addr1@… To: addr3@…

That is, always use the "To:" address by default. Is there any way I can accomplish this?

Right now it is, by default, addressing replies to addr1@…

Thank you

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by rene

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed


please check the configuration of your header-search (source mail->smart features->read), it should work with the default values:


If this is your configuration, please activate the debug output (last tab of pref dialog) and check, if the envelope-to header is detected correctly while selecting the mail in the 3pane-window.

## vI_getHeader: found header: envelope-to[:1] - stored as ''

Then, after you hit reply, the header should be recognized to...

## vI_smartIdentity: __SmartReply()
## vI_smartIdentity: ----------------------------------------------------------
## vI_smartIdentity: reading header 'envelope-to': ''
## identityCollection:   add new address to result:
## identityCollection:   add new address to result:
## vI_smartIdentity:   found '

Smart-Reply will (in default configuration) only get active if there is no Information stored for the recipient yet, therefore check this or (temporarily) disable storage.

Closing the ticket by now, please reopen if not solved by reconfiguration.

Nice regards, Rene

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