This is just some static backup of the original site, don't expect every link to work!

Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#310 closed defect (invalid)

"Sent" folder selection without effect

Reported by: newsletter18@… Owned by: rene
Version: 0.6.8 Keywords: sent, folder, imap


I discovered that my "Sent" folder setting has no effect. The program always tries to save the sent message into a (nonexistent) "Sent" folder located inside my INBOX, the IMAP path would be "INBOX.Sent". The folder which I configured has the IMAP path "Sent" (top level, same as INBOX itself). But as I wrote, this setting is quietly ignored!

Attachments (1)

Screenshot.png (56.9 KB) - added by newsletter18@… 12 years ago.
settings dialog, mentioned input field is highlighted

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

Changed 12 years ago by newsletter18@…

Attachment: Screenshot.png added

settings dialog, mentioned input field is highlighted

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by newsletter18@…

Seamonkey's "normal" sending mechanism does work! I configured exactly the same folder to be the "Sent" folder as I did inside Virtual Identity!

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by rene

Owner: set to rene
Status: newassigned


which operating system you are using? On Linux or MacOSX you might be able to start Seamonkey from the terminal and check the debug-output, which contains relevant information. The problem is, that after sending your mail the window get's closed and the debug-output is removed... (if you can do this on windows too, great, but I have no idea if this works)

Activate the debug output as mentioned in wiki:FAQ#DebugLog and change your debug-output settings. Open about:config in seamonkey browser and search for dump. Change the value of browser.dom.window.dump.enabled into true and restart seamonkey. There should be output in the terminal. The relevant lines are looking like this:

## v_identity: VIdentity_GenericSendMessage
## vI_storage: ----------------------------------------------------------
## vI_storage: storeVIdentityToAllRecipients()
## vI_storage: __updateStorageFromVIdentity.
## vI_storage: __updateStorageFromVIdentity dontUpdateMultipleNoEqual='false'
## vI_rdfDatasource: readVIdentityFromRDF found stored data.
## vI_rdfDatasource: email='' fullName='rene' id='null' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP'
## vI_rdfDatasource: extras:
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for rene <>.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: ----------------------------------------------------------
## vI_account: Stored virtualIdentity (name rene email smtp smtp3)
## vI_account: preparing Fcc --- use Virtual Identity Settings
## vI_account: Stored (doFcc true fccFolder mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/Sent fccFolderPickerMode 1(1))
## vI_account: preparing Draft --- use Settings of Modified Account
## vI_account: Stored (draftFolder mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/Drafts draftsFolderPickerMode 0(3))
## vI_account: preparing Templates --- use Settings of Modified Account
## vI_account: Stored (stationeryFolder mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/Templates tmplFolderPickerMode 0(3))

Hope you will find some way to get the debug-output, if not please come back and I will prepare some version of the extension which keeps the message.

Regards and thanks for the report, Rene

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by newsletter18@…

Here are the debug logs. I hope it helps...

from main window:

SeaMonkey 2.0.14 (20110420230004; Linux i686)
 - Adblock Plus {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d} 1.3.6
 - Allow HTML Temp {532269cf-a10e-4396-8613-b5d9a9a516d4} 3.0.3
 - BetterPrivacy {d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3} 1.50
 - ChatZilla {59c81df5-4b7a-477b-912d-4e0fdf64e5f2} [DISABLED]
 - DOM Inspector 2.0.9
 - DownloadHelper {b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d} 4.8.6
 - JavaScript Debugger {f13b157f-b174-47e7-a34d-4815ddfdfeb8}
 - jsLib Lite {DF8E5247-8E0A-4de6-B393-0735A39DFD80} 0.1.366
 - Mouse Gestures Redox {FFA36170-80B1-4535-B0E3-A4569E497DD0} 3.0.0
 - Quote Colors {B274D460-4DF9-454c-AC69-CA71398D7498} 0.3
 - Sieve 0.1.12
 - TagZilla {4eac6fec-f68b-4797-be7a-ffeea73e1495} 0.066.2
 - Virtual Identity {dddd428e-5ac8-4a81-9f78-276c734f75b8} 0.6.8
## vI_rdfDatasource read rdf from 'file:///home/user/.mozilla/seamonkey/v1tap8fi.default/virtualIdentity.rdf'
## vI_account: checking for leftover VirtualIdentity accounts  - done
## vI_account: checking for leftover VirtualIdentity directories  - done
## vI_prepareHeader: extraExpandedHeaders 'x-original-to envelope-to list-id received' added

from compose window:

SeaMonkey 2.0.14 (20110420230004; Linux i686)
 - Adblock Plus {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d} 1.3.6
 - Allow HTML Temp {532269cf-a10e-4396-8613-b5d9a9a516d4} 3.0.3
 - BetterPrivacy {d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3} 1.50
 - ChatZilla {59c81df5-4b7a-477b-912d-4e0fdf64e5f2} [DISABLED]
 - DOM Inspector 2.0.9
 - DownloadHelper {b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d} 4.8.6
 - JavaScript Debugger {f13b157f-b174-47e7-a34d-4815ddfdfeb8}
 - jsLib Lite {DF8E5247-8E0A-4de6-B393-0735A39DFD80} 0.1.366
 - Mouse Gestures Redox {FFA36170-80B1-4535-B0E3-A4569E497DD0} 3.0.0
 - Quote Colors {B274D460-4DF9-454c-AC69-CA71398D7498} 0.3
 - Sieve 0.1.12
 - TagZilla {4eac6fec-f68b-4797-be7a-ffeea73e1495} 0.066.2
 - Virtual Identity {dddd428e-5ac8-4a81-9f78-276c734f75b8} 0.6.8
## v_identity: mod. FillIdentityList

## v_identity: init.
## v_identity: adapt GenericSendMessage
## v_identity: initSystemStage1.
** v_identity.xml identityData setter
** v_identity.xml smtp set to 'smtp1'
** v_identity.xml resultingID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id1' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml identityData setter done.'
## v_identity: init done.

## vI_rdfDatasource read rdf from 'file:///home/user/.mozilla/seamonkey/v1tap8fi.default/virtualIdentity.rdf'
## v_identity: NotifyComposeFieldsReady
## v_identity: NotifyComposeBodyReady
## v_identity: initSystemStage2.
## vI_smartIdentity: msgComposeType = 0
## vI_storage: getVIdentityFromAllRecipients()
## vI_rdfDatasource: __getRDFResourceForVIdentity: no Recipient given.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for .
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: found 0 address(es)

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#1'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_rdfDatasource: readVIdentityFromRDF found stored data.
## vI_rdfDatasource: email='' fullName='Full Name' id='null' smtp='vI_noStoredSMTP'
## vI_rdfDatasource: extras:
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for Full Name <>.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage add found Identities to CloneMenu.
## vI_storage: using data from direct match
## vI_storage: compare with current Identity
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage check if storage-data matches current Identity.
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage doing nothing - equals current Identity.

** v_identity.xml inputEvent
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id1 'Full Name <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: Full Name <> found, id='id3'
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch restore signature
 -- missing signatureSwitch extension?

** v_identity.xml msgIdentityCloneElem.doCommand() 
** v_identity.xmlcopy selected Menu-Value from clone to orig. Searching for id=id3 
** v_identity.xml identityData setter
** v_identity.xml previousID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id1' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml newID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id3' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml smtp set to 'smtp1'
** v_identity.xml resultingID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id3' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml identityData setter done.'

** v_identity.xml blurEvent
** v_identity.xml inputEvent
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id3 'Full Name <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: Full Name <> found, id='id3'
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch restore signature
 -- missing signatureSwitch extension?

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#1'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_storage: same email than before, not checked again.

from console:

readMyPref: string tagzilla.file.charset: got string 'UTF-8'
tagzilla/utility.js loaded
readMyPref: string tagzilla.file.charset: got string 'UTF-8'
tagzilla/utility.js loaded
readMyPref: string tagzilla.file.charset: got string 'UTF-8'
tagzilla/utility.js loaded
readMyPref: string tagzilla.file.charset: got string 'UTF-8'
tagzilla/utility.js loaded
## vI_rdfDatasource read rdf from 'file:///home/user/.mozilla/seamonkey/v1tap8fi.default/virtualIdentity.rdf'
## vI_account: checking for leftover VirtualIdentity accounts  - done
## vI_account: checking for leftover VirtualIdentity directories  - done
## vI_prepareHeader: extraExpandedHeaders 'x-original-to envelope-to list-id received' added
imap:// ... skipping, already opened
readMyPref: string tagzilla.file.charset: got string 'UTF-8'
tagzilla/utility.js loaded
readMyPref: string tagzilla.file.charset: got string 'UTF-8'
tagzilla/utility.js loaded
readMyPref: string tagzilla.file.charset: got string 'UTF-8'
tagzilla/utility.js loaded
## v_identity: mod. FillIdentityList

## v_identity: init.
## v_identity: adapt GenericSendMessage
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
## v_identity: initSystemStage1.
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
** v_identity.xml identityData setter
** v_identity.xml smtp set to 'smtp1'
** v_identity.xml resultingID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id1' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml identityData setter done.'
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
******* vI_htmlTextBox.xml constructor
## v_identity: init done.

## vI_rdfDatasource read rdf from 'file:///home/user/.mozilla/seamonkey/v1tap8fi.default/virtualIdentity.rdf'
## v_identity: NotifyComposeFieldsReady
tzDocStateListener.NotifyDocumentStateChanged(false): empty, editable
readMyPref: bool tagzilla.id1.mailAuto: got bool 'false'
## v_identity: NotifyComposeBodyReady
## v_identity: initSystemStage2.
## vI_smartIdentity: msgComposeType = 0
## vI_storage: getVIdentityFromAllRecipients()
## vI_rdfDatasource: __getRDFResourceForVIdentity: no Recipient given.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for .
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: found 0 address(es)

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#1'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_rdfDatasource: readVIdentityFromRDF no data found.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage add found Identities to CloneMenu.
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage no usable Storage-Data found.

** v_identity.xml inputEvent
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id1 'Full Name <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: Full Name <> found, id='id3'
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch restore signature
 -- missing signatureSwitch extension?

** v_identity.xml msgIdentityCloneElem.doCommand() 
** v_identity.xmlcopy selected Menu-Value from clone to orig. Searching for id=id3 
** v_identity.xml identityData setter
** v_identity.xml previousID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id1' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml newID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id3' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml smtp set to 'smtp1'
** v_identity.xml resultingID: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1' id='id3' existingID='true'
** v_identity.xml identityData setter done.'

** v_identity.xml blurEvent
** v_identity.xml inputEvent
** v_identity.xml checkForVirtualIdentity: id3 'Full Name <>'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: ignoreFullNameWhileComparing='false'
## vI_identityData: isExistingIdentity: Full Name <> found, id='id3'
## vI_msgIdentityCloneTools: signatureSwitch restore signature
 -- missing signatureSwitch extension?

## vI_storage: awOnBlur 'addressCol2#1'
## vI_storage: updateVIdentityFromStorage()
## vI_storage: same email than before, not checked again.
readMyPref: bool tagzilla.id3.mailAuto: got bool 'false'
SendMessage from XUL

## v_identity: VIdentity_GenericSendMessage
## vI_storage: ----------------------------------------------------------
## vI_storage: storeVIdentityToAllRecipients()
## vI_storage: __updateStorageFromVIdentity.
## vI_storage: __updateStorageFromVIdentity dontUpdateMultipleNoEqual='false'
## vI_rdfDatasource: readVIdentityFromRDF no data found.
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter for
## vI_rdfDatasource: findMatchingFilter no match found.
## vI_storage: __updateStorageFromVIdentity updating
## vI_rdfDatasource: updateRDF
## vI_rdfDatasource: removeVIdentityFromRDF
## vI_rdfDatasource: updateRDF added.
## vI_storage: ----------------------------------------------------------

## vI_identityData GenericSendMessage Final Check
## vI_identityData currentIdentity: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1'
## vI_identityData virtualIdentityData: fullName='Full Name' email='' smtp='smtp1'
GenericSendMessage from XUL
Identity = [nsIMsgIdentity: id3]
deliver mode: 0
## v_identity: StateListener reports ComposeProcessDone
## vI_storage: clean.
tzDocStateListener.NotifyDocumentStateChanged(true): empty, editable
readMyPref: bool tagzilla.id3.mailAuto: got bool 'false'
tzDocStateListener.NotifyDocumentStateChanged(false): empty, editable
readMyPref: bool tagzilla.id3.mailAuto: got bool 'false'
tzDocStateListener.NotifyDocumentStateChanged(true): empty, not editable
## vI_storage: clean.

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by rene


thanks for the logs.

GenericSendMessage from XUL
Identity = [nsIMsgIdentity: id3]

in the case above you are not using a virtual identity. The permanently stored identity (id3) is used for sending, "GenericSendMessage?" is called directly, not the modified one from virtual identity. The settings for the permanently stored identity have to be changed in the overall account settings.

Please retry the sending case with a virtual (modified) identity and provide the last log starting from "v_identity: VIdentity_GenericSendMessage"

Nice regards, Rene

comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by newsletter18@…

Resolution: invalid
Status: assignedclosed

I'm so sorry, it was all my fault. I had some identities configured which still had an old setting for their "Sent" folder (INBOX.Sent). When I used some imaginary address, Virtual Identity used its setting correctly and stored the mail into the top-level Sent folder. So I reconfigured the old identities and now it works either way. Sorry again for not paying attention to my own odd configuration!

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