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Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#32 closed defect (invalid)

Doesn't work

Reported by: Pluckerpluck Owned by:
Version: 0.4.4pre3 Keywords:


When I send an e-mail using a VID the recipient just recieves my normal identity. I can't work out why. In the sent folder it shows my VID but not to my recepient.

I don't know if the version I selected is correct but it is 0.4.4 I am using GMail/Google Mail as my smtp server.

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Pluckerpluck

Sorry about the bad title. Couldn't think of anything else

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by rene


no problem with the title, I'm a little busy now, once I'm back to India in one two weeks I'll go through all the tickets.

Your problem is hard understand, if the send-folder contains the right ID it means that the mail left Thunderbird with the VID. So something in between Thunderbird and your recipient changed the ID? One way to test this is to create a permanent account with the same ID settings and use this one for sending an email to the recipient. Did he receives the mail with the correct sender-ID?

Else please post the Virtual Identity debug-log, the headers of the mail in the send folder and the header of the received mail (if possible). Think of anonymizing it before posting it on the web (or send it to me by email to just at absorb dot it)

Regards, Rene

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Pluckerpluck

Quick update:

I can change my nickname. I just can't change my actual email. Am i meant to be able to. If i change the e-mail nothing happens and my real e-mail turns up.

I also realised that the people I sent it to also had gmail in case that means anything.

I'll send more info later...

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by rene

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed


now I see that you are using gmail. I think there is no chance to change the behavior of gmail, sorry. So choose a different provider, but I think that usual email-provider might prevent you from sending with a different address too, even they might reject you attempt and not change the senders email. If you think there is something which can be done on my side, just reopen the ticket and post the header of an received mail.

Regards, Rene

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