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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#388 assigned enhancement

Some Virtual Identity Dialog Recommendations :)

Reported by: miscellaneous@… Owned by: rene
Version: 0.8.8 Keywords:


Version : 0.8.9 (doesn't seem to be in your versions list below!)

When you send an email, currently there's a pop that includes these buttons:- Use Stored Identity [Do you want to store the given Identity?] OK Abort Sending Cancel

I think this could be made more intuitive by:-

  • Putting the "Use Stored Identity" beneath or above the Stored Identity info cell.
  • Putting the "OK" beneath or above the Given Identity info cell, and call it "Store and Send"

this way, both buttons will correspond to where your eye is looking

"Abort Sending" is self-evident in meaning, whereas the naming of the button "Cancel" isn't entirely intuitive. Perhaps it could say "Just send as is"

thanks for a brill item!

david (Edinburgh)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by rene

Owner: set to rene
Status: newassigned


you are right, the options in this dialog are somehow misleading. But I won't fix them for release 0.9 and keep it for the next release. Problem is, that the dialog is currently just a standard Thunderbird dialog with the buttons at the bottom, not that easy to change.

Thanks for the report, I will check what can be done for version 0.9.1 :)

Regards, Rene

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by jb-mozilla@…

While moving around the buttons may not be easy in the API you use, it looks like it would be easy to at least change the button texts to more clearly reflect what they do (in no particular order):

"Send as somestoredname@domain" "Send as currentname@domain" "Store currentname@domain" "Keep editing"

It is always problematic trying to make a standard yes/no/cancel dialog represent other sets of choices, because it is confusing to use. I have done this myself a few times when I just couldn't afford a real dialog, but it is rarely a good idea.

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