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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#399 new enhancement

Incorrect operation of the Virtual Identity when using multiple recipients

Reported by: Vinser <s@…> Owned by: Vinser
Version: 0.8.9 Keywords:


When sending a message to multiple recipients, the data stored in the repository in this way (for example):

<RDF:Description RDF:about=",,"
        NS1:name=",," />

If I do the next time I try to send a message, for example at mail_1@…, then the Virtual Identity does not find the relevant data in a repository.

If I send a message directly to three recipients, for example mail_1@…,mail_2@…,mail_3@… - then the relevant data in the repository are.

How to teach the Virtual Identity to understand the separator as a comma between the addresses of the recipients?

I hope I have clearly explained the problem?

Sincerely, Sergei (aka Vinser)

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by rene


I was able to verify this behavior, it just happens if you write all recipients in one line (recipient-field) of Thunderbirds send-dialog. Is this what you are doing, or is this triggered by some special way you are composing emails? I think this can be fixed, but maybe it's easier if you tell me how you are getting to this point?

Nice regards, thanks for the report, Rene

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 10 years ago by Vinser <s@…>

Replying to rene:


I was able to verify this behavior, it just happens if you write all recipients in one line (recipient-field) of Thunderbirds send-dialog. Is this what you are doing, or is this triggered by some special way you are composing emails? I think this can be fixed, but maybe it's easier if you tell me how you are getting to this point?

Nice regards, thanks for the report, Rene

Hi, Renee.

Sorry for the late reply. I did not set up a notification and just now saw your reply.

Yes, you're right. The situation described by me, appears if the recipients are entered in a one line, separated by commas.

Another thing. I think it would be right if the recipients are not identified by full name (name + email), but only by email.

For example:

<RDF:Description RDF:about=" Name &lt;;"
                 NS1:name="Some Name &lt;;" />

For this example - do a check not to by the full name [Some Name &lt;some_email(at)], but only by email [some_email(at)].

Sincerely, Sergei (aka Vinser)

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by Vinser <s@…>

PS Rene, sorry for "Renee"... ;)

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