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Opened 9 years ago

#419 new defect

send blockade by joined send of several already listed target adresses used with different sender adresses

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Sir_Toby
Version: 0.9.13 Keywords:


I used a new sender adress "new-adress4@…". I wanted to send my mail to different persons, several are already in my list, as I had sent to them earlier mails, to each with a different individualized sender adress like adress1@…, adress2@…, adress3@… . I clicked on reply to and had set it to the new-adress4@… The virtual-id Plugin in actual Seamonkey 2.20 asked about using the already known earlier used different sender adress to one of the two already used target adresses. I refused to use the old, wanted to use the new-adress4 in the actual case. The second target adress with the same constellation did not even show up for a decission request from me. The sent did not happen with several attempts. It seems that the knowledge of different sender adresses to different target adresses or the combination of the sender adress with the different reply adresses causes the problem. I solved it on a complicate way by reconfiguring the basic account of standard Seamonkey accounts and additionally using the saved draft and several attempts when the draft was opened again and repair of proposed virtual-id exchanges of sender adress were made.

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