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Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#423 closed defect (fixed)

"Deactivate S/MIME sig" not honored

Reported by: Ralf+VirtualIdentity@… Owned by:
Version: 0.9.14 Keywords: S/MIME


I sign my mail by default. I have "Deactivate S/MIME sig" checked on the "Compose Dialog" tab.

Still Thunderbird tries to sign the message even if I manually modify my e-mail address in the "From" line when replying to a message.

Thunderbird should not sign the message in this case since I'm using a Virtual Identity.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by rene


I checked with TB24 on linux and everything seems to work perfectly. Do you have the "signature-switch" extension activated? It's required to modify the signatures of your email, I tested with 1.6.11 and 1.6.12.

If you still have problems, can you activate the debug-log and check if you can find the following line after manually changing the identity:

"signatureSwitch: signatureSwitch hide_sMime_messageSignature with doCommand"

This should remove the signature. If this is not working, can you additionally check the javascript error console for related errors? (see FAQ for debug-howto)

Thanks for the report, nice regards, Rene

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by rene

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Hi again,

after thinking twice I realized, that the removeal of Smime and PGP-signatures should also work without the signatureswitch-extension installed. Changed this in 0.9.15. Thanks for pointing me to the issue, closing the ticket now. Please reopen if this still does not fix your issue.

Nice regards, Rene

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