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Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#134 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Wish: Making changes of other header information

Reported by: mozillauser@… Owned by: Rene
Version: 0.5.11 Keywords: other headers, User-Agent, Operating System


Hi, this is a great tool for changing the sender address quicker than I did. My way was to not send the mail instantly, but to hit "send later", then open the "unsent" - folder with a texteditor, make my changes (not only the sender), store it and send the mail.

But it's easy for someone looking at the headers, if you just change your address. There are other informations, like "X-Mozilla-Keys", User-Agent and Operating system. Those facts, compared to former mails, are enough to identify a sender, even if he had changed his identity.

So to make it perfect, there should be a possibility to just kill those informations, or write some other, or make them change randomly.

Greets, Marc

Change History (1)

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by rene

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed


the extension only creates a TB identity on the fly, everything around is just to make this the best way I could. This doesn't interfear with the way TB is sending the mail, and I think it's not the best way to include this in this extension. Any change in the deeper layers of Thunderbirds sending process might raise to many compatibility issues and creates a complete new programming field. As you can see, I can hardly find the time to maintain the extension in the way it is now :(

So sorry, but thanks for the input. Nice regards,


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