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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#150 closed defect (duplicate)

vi ignores smart-reply filter when replying mails received via bcc and with unknown to-header

Reported by: virtual-id-bugs@… Owned by:
Version: 0.5.11 Keywords:


GMX sends their mass mails to customers like this: To: members(at) bcc: [customer email address]

I have set my smartreply filter to only look at addresses that have been sent to some mail address on my domain, and use these as virtual sender id (somename(at)mydomain).

In the above case, vi ignores the smartreply filter and wrongly decides to use <members(at)> as my virtual sender id, which is not good. Since no recipients that match the filter were found, vi should use some sort of default address, probably the default address associated with that account (my_mailaccount(at)gmx).

This might be logical error in treating such mails, as vi seems to think this is a "non-received/sent" mail (but it isn't):

## vI_smartIdentity: Reply() ## vI_smartIdentity: reply on non-received (sent?) mail. Using SmartDraft?. ## vI_smartIdentity: ReplyOnSent?() (rules like SmartDraft?)

The gmx case might be a bad example, but the same method may be used for all sorts of private or business mails to multiple recipients (to: sender's_email, bcc: recipients'_email).

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by virtual-id-bugs@…

correction: ... Since no recipients that match the filter were found, vi should use some sort of default address, probably the default address associated with *the current Thunderbird* account (in my case: my_mailaccount(at)gmx).

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by rene

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed


seems like your received emails doesn't contain any 'received' headers. There is a related switch in 0.6.0pre2, please try and report if this works for you. Sorry for the trouble, but this fix is not yet available for 0.5.11

More about the same problem can be found in #131 (and #124).

Nice regards, Rene

PS: please reopen if this is no solution for you

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