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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#240 closed defect (fixed)

Bug: if recipient email in data base not always a warning (TB 3.03)

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Version: 0.6.4 Keywords:


When I forward a message to somebody that is already stored in the VI database, then VI should always warn, if the email is sent to that somebody with a different sender address. However this is not the case in the following scenario.

If I enter a sender address, but don't leave the "to: line" (e.g. with TAB), and click on Send immediately, then there is no warning.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by rene

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed


thanks for pointing to this problem. Actually the recipient was only checked against the storage after you left the recipients field with the cursor. Therefore the stored identity was not used at all, and therefore not checked ether.

Implemented a fix in [ec3005f1897b2] which can be tested with snapshot virtual_identity-0.6.4-4-gb9a85dc-tb+sm.xpi. It will be part of 0.6.5, but this might require some further testing till it get's released.

Hope this fixes the issue, otherwise please reopen the ticket.

Nice regards, Rene

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